Dr. Jack L. Arnold
Lesson 2
1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9
These are the
biblical requirements (qualifications) for an elder in a church, but they can
be applied to any leader in Christ’s Kingdom.
God is not
looking for perfect people but for people who desire to follow Christ and the
moral Law of God. All leaders fail
from time to time but leaders who fail confess their sin, accept responsibility
for their actions and move on.
II. Desire Qualifications (1 Tim. 3:1)
A person must
desire to be a leader before he can be a leader.
It is not wrong
to desire to be a leader. However,
desire alone does not make one a leader.
Above reproach (1 Tim. 3:2).
He is not a stumbling block to others, having nothing in his life which would cause disgrace to the Lord or cause people
to gossip about him. When he sins,
he confesses, repents, walks by faith in Christ and seeks the filling of the
Spirit (Phil. 1:21; Eph. 5:18).
Husband of one
wife (1 Tim. 3:2).
The strict
interpretation is one wife in a lifetime.
He is to have only one wife in his whole life. If his wife dies, he is to remain single. Objections: (1) The Bible allows for remarriage after death of a mate (1
Cor. 7:39). (2) It would also
forbid a single man form holding the office of elder.
The broader
interpretation is one wife at a time, forbidding any type of polygamy. (1) The Greek word means “a one kind of
a woman man,” indicating faithfulness to one woman. (2) The Bible allows re-marriage after the death of a
mate. (3) This view
would allow a person divorced before salvation to remarry and hold an office
providing he marries a believer.
(4) This view also allows for a Christian man who is the innocent party
in a divorce to remarry a Christian woman and hold the office of elder (Matt.
This verse
implies that a leader should have a stable marriage and not be involved in
extra-marital affairs. It also
implies honesty and communication to produce a spirit of oneness.
Temperate (1 Tim. 3:2).
He is to be moderate in all things, not given to excesses of any kind. He knows when to stop—food and
drink, work and play, saving and spending, rebuke and encouragement, etc.
Self-control (1 Tim. 3:2).
He demonstrates self-control in attitude and actions, using good common
sense about life—not impulsive, given to extremes, over-reactive, given
to panic.
Respectable (1 Tim. 3:2).
He has an orderly life that includes neatness, promptness and personal
Not given to
much wine. An elder may drink wine but he is not to be addicted to wine
or linger over the cup. Wine was
drunk as a food staple. Due to the
abuse of alcohol, it might be best not to use it (setting aside a Christian’s
liberty) for the good of the church and culture (Rom. 14:21). Certainly leaders
should think twice before using wine (Prov. 31:4-5).
quarrelsome (1 Tim 3:3). He is not a troublemaker, contentious
person. Differences are settled
peaceably whenever possible with love, gentleness, patience and kindness.
Not violent (1 Tim. 3:3).
He does not lose patience with people and resort to physical blows to
settle arguments. He is not always
seeking a fight. He seeks all the
facts before drawing a conclusion on the matter.
Gentle (1 Tim.3:3). He must be willing to address
injustices in a quiet, peaceful way without being harsh. He must listen to the wrongdoer,
working to restore rather than bringing immediate church discipline.
Not a love of
money (1 Tim. 3:3). He is not to love money for himself or
be greedy for bigger and better personal or church funds. It does not say an elder cannot be wealthy
but he cannot love money.
Christian leadership brings with it many temptations to abuse finances
and also to be bribed by money.
Many evangelists and preachers get rich in the ministry and to do so
cheapens the gospel and dishonors Christ.
God’s leader should be adequately remunerated (1 Cor. 9:7-14; 1 Tim.
5:17-18). It is not money but the
love of money which is the root of all evil (1 Tim.
6:9-10). Love of money corrupts
and causes one to compromise his convictions. The issue for Christian leaders is contentment. They must believe they are where God
wants them and trust God to meet their needs and their family’s needs (Phil.
4:11-12). If we believe that God
is truly in control, we should be satisfied with our life’s situation. Pursuing wealth conflicts with pursuing
Christ (Matt. 6:19-33).
overbearing (Tit. 1:8). He should have a positive, Christlike life, centered in doing good, wholesome things.
Upright (Tit. 1:8).
He must have a holy walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, separated unto Him
and desirous to conduct his life and the life of the church according to the
Word of God.
Holy (Tit. 1:8).
He must have a life consecrated unto God, relating job, money,
attitudes, ministry, wife, children, friends, etc., unto Christ.
Hospitable (1 Tim. 3:2).
He must be “a lover of strangers,” opening his life and home to other
Christians. This implies he must
be a people-person—people oriented, people-centered, a people mover. He demonstrates relational qualities.
Hospitality has nothing to do with entertainment or impressing people but
everything to do with making people feel welcome and
wanted. Obviously the wife has to
be committed to this as well.
Manages His
Own Family Well (1 Tim. 4:4). He must be the governmental and
spiritual leader of his home, having his wife and children in submission. The constant demands of the ministry
may cause a leader to neglect his family.
Family and ministry must be kept in balance. He must spend quality and quantity time with his wife and
children—spiritual activities and play. Children are to submit to the father but that is difficult
to do if he is an absentee father (Deut. 6:4-9). The wife must submit to her husband (Eph. 5:21) but this is
almost impossible to do if he is never home (communication with her husband is
everything for a woman). If a man
cannot govern his home, he cannot lead in the church.
His Children
Obey Him With Proper Respect (1 Tim.
3:4). He must have children who
honor and obey their parents. He
must be able to discipline and control his children with love and patience.
Not a Recent
Convert (1 Tim. 3:6). He should not be a new Christian but
show signs of genuine maturity in Christ.
No matter how fine a leader, or how wealthy, or how dynamic a person, he
should be a Christian for a good while before becoming an elder. The basic things of the Christian life
should have become second nature to him.
He doesn’t waver on doctrine and is consistent on issues of Christian
character and action. He should be
one who has suffered somewhat for Christ.
He is to display humility and thankfulness so as not to play into the
hands of the devil. A new
Christian needs time to mature and to grow in areas of discipleship so that he
can handle the responsibilities required for one who would lead God’s people.
Believing and
Behaving Children (Tit. 1:6)
Children. The word “believer” can be translated “faithful.” Therefore some have taken this to mean
faithful (submissive) children who have good behavior patterns. It does not necessarily mean that they
are saved children. This would be
consistent with 1 Tim. 3:4.
Furthermore, it is God who saves one’s children, not the father or
mother. Yet, the parents do
discipline their children.
Children. Another view is to see this as “believing” (regenerate)
children. This is probably what
this means, for it is the word pistuo, which is most often used for saving faith in
Christ. The problem practically
comes when children get into their teenage years and are very rebellious
spiritually. The best position
seems to be that an elder should have believing (saved) children as a rule, but
there may be exceptions. For
instance, if a man had four children and three were believers and one was not,
would he be disqualified if the believing child was
under control? The leader of the
church would have to decide this issue.
A Good
Reputation (1 Tim. 3:7). He must have a good reputation with
those inside and outside the local church. This involves his witness or testimony. He must be a man of integrity, known
for his honesty and fairness, justice to all, regardless of race, class or
economic status. His exemplary
life opens doors for effective witness.
Able to Teach (1 Tim. 3:2). He should be ready, willing and able to teach and be skilled
in instruction of any one of the basics of the Christian Faith. An elder must teach but a deacon does not
have to teach (1 Tim. 2:7; 4:6, 11, 13; 5:17; 6:1-3).
Encourage From
the Bible (Tit. 1:9). He must hold to the gospel and the
whole counsel of God as found in the Bible. He must have a practical working knowledge of the Word of
Unbelievers (Tit. 1:9). He must be able to correct errors,
expose false doctrine and guard the flock from heresies and false
teachers. He must have a basic
theological understanding of the Bible to do this effectively.